Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Beginning of a journey...

Well… here it is… the day has come for me to leave this country and head out to Israel, the Holy Land. I'm not really sure what to expect or what will happen. I just know I'm going to have an amazing time. I have no expectations. I don't expect to get with a bunch of girls or make lifelong friends or come back more religious or more right or more left when it comes to my Israeli politics. I simply expect to have an experience. That's it. I'm assuming that there will be ups and there will be downs as any experience would have. But hey… when was the last time a roller coast that only went up was fun? I know that I'll miss a lot of things back in Boulder. I'll be missing Rush, Greek Week, the parties, etc. but it doesn't really matter because well, I'll be in the Holy Land. There really is nothing like it. I said I have no expectations, but the one expectation I do have is that Israel will be… well Israel. And I am secure in that expectation because I know that it will not only be met, but surpassed. Everyone's coming into this thing nervous as hell, trying to make a great and lasting first impression that will set them up for the entire four months that we're there. Me? I'm just going to go with the flow. I love these types of experiences because I go in with no baggage, no background, no history. Everyone knows me for who I am at the time they meet me and hopefully get to know me. It's going to be a hell of a ride and I am pumped for it. I'll miss you all back in the 303, but I'm not worried, it'll be Fall 2012 in no time and we'll party like it's the end of the world when I get back. This is going to be an experience in every definition of the word and I can't wait for it.

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