Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Earlier today I recalled a thought I had at my family's house on Friday night. There were three young children. The oldest boy was around 12-13. He said he was having his bar mitzvah later this year. The middle child was also a boy, maybe around 8-9. And the youngest was a girl, probably around 5-6. I remember looking at them as they were hanging on their parents. They were curious and innocent and then all of sudden, I looked at all of them at once and realized that at some point, they are each going to be in the military. Each one of these kids, who are has happy go lucky as any American child can be (living in a nice home with a wonderful family) will eventually serve in the military. Where will they go? Gaza? West Bank? Golan? What service will they be in? The intelligence? Mossad? Artillery? Infantry? National service? Who knows… All I do know is that each one will serve at least 2-3 years in the Israeli army, protecting their country one way or another. But what was more interesting to think about was that their parents knew this. Both the mother and father, as Israeli citizens, also served in the army and knew that they're children would one day do the same regardless of the circumstances, peace or war. Not only did they know this, they believed in it. I have never met an Israeli who disagreed with the draft because they understand its importance and its necessity. Now I am assuming this of course, but I feel that if their parents were not okay, why not just leave? Their children are young enough where they would not be required to stay. Which brings me to the larger point. That all Israeli parents believe in their children being put in harms way for the greater good of the Jewish state. In fact, it is extremely difficult to find a job without serving in the military. It is looked down upon if you did not serve. It is considered a dishonor if you do not serve your years. I think this is incredible. This is so different than America where yes, we honor our veterans, but a draft would be inconceivable and highly contested for any reason. These parents know that their children will eventually serve in the military, will eventually be put in harms way, and possibly, G-d forbid, die in the line of duty. And yet they know that they serve a higher purpose… incredible. Sacrificing their most prized possessions, their children, for the sake of the country as a whole… would we be willing to make such a sacrifice? 

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